For men, what home gym would be complete without a good, high-quality floor mat? Whether you love to do 200 stomach crunches every morning (seriously?), or you are into yoga (flexibility is very important….we’ll leave it at that), a mat to protect you and your floor is a necessity. You want one that is thick, comfortable, and will not slide from one side of the room to the other.
A good gym mat also protects your exercise equipment. You have paid all that money for a weight bench or elliptical trainer. You make one wrong move, not focusing on your workout, and you roll right off the machine (we aren’t laughing…we promise we aren’t). To save yourself from injury, you need a mat.
If you want information on which ones are the best, lucky for you, here is a review of the top home gym flooring. Curious? Then you should read on. You’ll thank me later.
XMark Fitness XMat Ultra Thick Gym Flooring
Right off, what we loved about the XMark Fitness XMat Ultra Thick Gym Flooring is that it possesses .5-inches of thickness. With the length being six feet and the width being four feet, you have more than enough room to put this gym mat under any type of home exercise equipment.
The bottom contains non-skid material, so this baby isn’t going anywhere once you place it on your floor. If you are looking for gym flooring that is heavy, strong, and thick, look no further than XMark Fitness XMat Ultra Thick Gym Flooring.
IncStores ¼”Tough Rubber Roll (4’ x 10’)
If you like your home décor to match, you will be happy to know that the IncStores ¼” Tough Rubber Roll comes in black with specks in stylish colors, like blue, green, tan, and red. Unlike the previous one, the length is 10 feet long. You’ve got plenty of room to do whatever you feel like it. This baby is portable and easy to clean, thanks to high-quality rubber.
We need to let you know that these gym flooring mats aren’t lightweight. For instance, this mat weights 60 lbs. Additionally, unlike the previous one, there is no non-skid material on the bottom. Therefore, you will have to use double-sided carpet tape to keep this bad boy in place.
If you want to set up your home gym in your garage or on your back patio, this mat works outside as well as inside. When you need to trim it, just pull out your utility knife and get to trimming. It really is a simple piece of equipment that does so much. If you are looking for gym flooring that is eco-friendly? Good, because this gym flooring is made from recyclable rubber.